Let’s Deep Dive into the Klaytn Story Characters!
> DISCLAIMER: This is a personal blog and is not intended to be a solicitation for investment. It is not an official statement of the Klaytn Foundation and may contain personal opinions.
Hello, I’m Colin from Klaytn. In this post, I’m going to explain the characters on the right-hand side of the Klaytn universe. If you want to know more about the etymology of Klaytn, please refer to this article. The terms on the left-hand side have been organized through the development of the mainnet, and then improved with Krust Universe. It’s unfortunate to see that this universe is about to change with the merger with Finschia.
In order to create a more dynamic story, we need characters, who are the storytellers in the world, and they are located on the right-hand side. The characters are also set up to be real-world actors in Klaytn. There are six characters in total, and their names are Core, GC, Eco, Holder, Service, and Shadow Worm. In this post, a description and character sheet for each of them will be shard.
Meaning on Klaytn Chain
Core is a character that represents the developers who develop the core protocol. I was also one of the core developers. :) Core developers are responsible for the development of Klaytn’s core technology.
Meaning on Klaytn World
There is no concept of family, but it is the “eldest” position among the members of Klaytn World. It is located close to the magma and is responsible for regulating the temperature so that the world tree, the cypress, can grow stably. It tries to take care of everything that happens inside the ecosystem as much as possible (expanding the cypress tunnels, producing fruit, repairing the boiler, etc). Because of this environment, it gets discharged when it’s done, or it gets caught by its members doing small deviations.
To make the name and role of the core more fitting, the design was inspired by a campfire, which brings everyone together and has a strong energy. Klaytn’s logo is shown as the pin in its top right corner, and the heart of fire on its tail hints at Core’s friendly nature. You can check out the character sheet below for a more detailed description and some cute images.
GC (Governance Council)
Meaning on Klaytn Chain
GC is the group of entities that operates the Consensus Node Network (CNN) to ensure that the Klaytn network remains stable. GC plays an important role in ensuring that the Klaytn network runs smoothly by generating blocks reliably. It is also in charge of making important decisions for the Klaytn network. Currently, GC members review various topics posted on the Klaytn Governance Forum and make final decisions through Klaytn Square.
Meaning on Klaytn World
It has a reliable character like a troubleshooter because it has to resolve problems that need to be solved by gathering opinions from the Klaytn World members. It protects the pillars of the World Tree and fights off the shadow bugs that play the role of villains. It is set as a strong image and is the problem-solver of various problems that hinder the growth of the World Tree, Cypress. Hardened by the antics of the Shadow Bugs, it is constantly exercising while chanting “Physical strength is national strength” or quietly reading books. It often teases Eco, who is like a younger sister, with its boyish innocence.
To represent the GC’s wisdom and physical strength, we were inspired by the color and strong horns of the longicorn. Since it is a fixer who mostly works on wooden poles, its color is incorporated from various colors of trees and fallen leaves. You can find a more detailed description and character sheet for GC in the character sheet below.
Meaning on Klaytn Chain
In order for Klaytn’s ecosystem to be more active, various ecosystem infrastructure and services need to be developed. The mainnet can be operated stably by Klaytn Core and GC, but if various services cannot blossom on top of it, the limitations of growth of the blockchain platform is clear. In order for services to be easily developed, the infrastructure supporting them is essential. For this, ecosystem infrastructure developers are needed.
This character represents all ecosystem infrastructure developers. Ecosystem infrastructure developers also need to interact a lot with the ecosystem tools like Kaikas and Caver. As I explained in the previous post, Kaikas and Caver have the attribute of wind. To represent the interaction with these tools, we designed Eco to look like a fairy with wings.
Meaning on Klaytn World
It is the youngest member of the Klaytn World and has a lively and inquisitive personality. Eco is especially friendly with GC and holder.
Eco’s ears are similar to those of an owl to show its freedom. It wears a yellow and chartreuse color scheme, as it is also responsible for protecting the flowers and fruit. Due to Eco’s nature of caring for the Cypress from high up, members will see the star on its hat and think that the Cypress has a star on it. A more detailed description and character sheet for Eco can be found below.
Meaning on Klaytn Chain
Holder is one of the most important stakeholders. It represents the people who own KLAY, the native currency of the Klaytn network. It explores the Klaytn ecosystem, uses various services, provides opinions to help Klaytn develop further, and advocates Klaytn to other ecosystems.
Meaning on Klaytn World
Holder was inspired by the office workers and youth of our country, South Korea. Holder’s years of work experience made it easy for him to adapt to the Cypress ecosystem… As he moves from the colorless world to the Cypress ecosystem, he enjoys the joyful and vibrant world of cypress.
Since Holder is able to permeate every part of Cypress, we designed him with a mushroom motif, a fungus, and colored him in a high-saturation red to make him a powerful object, like Core. For a more detailed description of Holder, please refer to the character sheet below.
Meaning on Klaytn Chain
Service represents the people who create the services that users actually use on Klaytn. As we explained in the description of Eco, it’s the services that actually provide value to users, so it’s important to create and maintain it well.
Meaning on Klaytn World
In the Klaytn universe, Service, like a real-life hedgehog, hides in the trees during the day and works hard at night collecting Klaytn berries or tending to crops and forests. It works even harder to show Holder the fruits of their labor.
While searching for a cute animal, Service is made from the motif of hedgehogs, which are a natural fit for trees. This type of hedgehog lives in part of Korea and the Northeast region of Asia, so it was optimized for Klaytn. For a detailed description of Service and its character sheet, please refer to the pictures below.
Shadow Worm
Meaning on Klaytn World
There’s always a villain in every universe. Batman has the Joker, the Marvel universe has Thanos, and many other villains. Villains are crucial to a story because they create conflict and allow us to see the protagonists resolve that conflict. In the Klaytn World, the Shadow Worm comes with that role.
It is the one who is always playing pranks on the members of the Klaytn World because it wants attention, but can’t get it because everyone’s eyes are on Holder. It came out like Holder, but with a twisted heart that prevents it from becoming Holder. However, when it is with a warm heart, its form disappears and it can be reborn as Holder.
The Shadow Worm is a combination of a leaf-chewing caterpillar and a crown of over-consciousness. It has a cold color to represent the difference in texture, as opposed to the other members of the Klaytn World, who have a warmer color. When the Shadow Worm has a warm heart, it turns into a Holder (red), which is the closest color to purple. It’s the same concept as reincarnation. (The holder and the shadow bug are one and the same :) ) Please refer to the illustrations below for a more detailed explanation.
In this article, I’ve introduced you to the six characters (Core, GC, Echo, Holder, Service, and Shadow Worm) that make Klaytn story richer. We’ve been experimenting with these characters like creating NFT avatars to bring them to life in the metaverse, as well as creating simple insta-toons and webtoons. I’ll be sharing them one by one on the blog in the near future. I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments, so stay tuned for more! Thank you!
Note: All the artwork in this article are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.